Chronic Advice Farts

I awoke this morning with a tremendous pressure on my brain. It was as though something needed to escape… an embolism of good intent swelling against my better judgement. It was insight that had to be shared. It was a Chronic Advice Fart.

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Let’s Put “Care” in America!

It’s been pointed out to me that some readers have taken my post, “Top Ten Obama Socialist Programs and How They Can Be Eliminated”,  seriously.

Sorry folks, but that was satire and my attempt to point out how the term socialism is being misused.

I was trying to make the point that social lifelines and especially guaranteed national healthcare should be as ubiquitous and taken for granted in this country as having a fireman come to your house to put out a fire.

None of our social programs is socialism. However, the far right and the Tea Party folks like to misuse the term to scare people and sway elections. No one in their right mind would consider doing away with fire, police, military, public schools, the FDA, or the EPA …except Rick Perry, and I already said no one in their right mind.

When you hear the far right screaming about socialist programs and “ObamaCare” think about our seniors on social security and medicare. The same type of opposition was screaming the same empty rhetoric when those programs were first introduced. Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, and Johnson were painted with the same knee-jerk  labels. But today in historical perspective we say how farsighted these presidents were and what great programs they helped start.

 It is shameful on a monumental scale that we are the only prosperous nation on the planet that doesn’t guarantee health care for all of its citizens.  This is not a new debate. It’s been going on for over 70 years.

In January of 1943 , President Roosevelt, in his state of the Union message, called for social insurance “from the cradle to the grave.”  

In 1947 President Truman, in another special health message to Congress, again requested a National Health Program. S. 1320 was introduced by Senators Wagner and Murray; Senator Taft’s bill (S. 545) was also reintroduced.

 It wasn’t until July 30, 1965 that Medicare (as part of the Social Security Amendments of 1965) was signed into law by President Johnson. That’s a 20 year fight just to get something passed that we all take for granted now.

Social Security was signed into law in 1935 and was patterned after similar systems operating successfully in Europe, including Germany’s system which started in the 19th century. Sound familiar? Every European nation offers healthcare to all.  Germany started theirs in 1883 and England in 1911.  At the rate we’re going my guess is we’ll be arguing about this for another 40 years and then our great-grandchildren will accept it as normal, just like police and fire protection. Take health care into your own hands  Learn More

Top Ten Obama Socialist Programs and How They Can Be Eliminated

Top Ten Obama Socialist Programs and How They Can Be Eliminated

Let's eliminate all the socialist programs!

I am just sick and tired of the constant promotion of socialism in our great democratic nation.  Just Google “Obama Socialism” and you’ll get over 3 million hits. I think that speaks for itself!

In a short 236 years our country has gone from a freedom loving (except for the slaves) country to a communist, socialist, Marxist state where my hard-earned dollars are ripped from my hand to pander to the lazy and shiftless and the wealth is spread from the “haves” to the “lazy.”

What are we? France? Canada? England??

I am taking up the cause to not just stop our illustrious leader from adding more socialist programs but to start eliminating the ones we already have! Please forward this list to your legislators and put them to work getting back to basics right now! Continue reading

Is the Occupy Movement Losing Steam?

The three protesters chained themselves to a fence outside city hall.

Occupy Tulsa protesters chained themselves to a fence outside city hall.

We’ve all seen the scenes of clashes between the police and the ‘Occupy’ protesters in various cities.  In the heartland of America not even Tulsa, OK has been spared as members of Occupy Tulsa chained themselves to a fence in front of city hall.

Police were called in but their reaction was, to say the least, subdued. The mob consisted of three guys… one of whom appears to be waiting for the re-opening of V for Vendetta.

Read the full story and the riveting video at NewsOn6

NASA: I Forgive You


Dear NASA; Is one little stinkin' jetpack so much to ask for?

A few weeks ago I was thinking about NASA. I was angry and disappointed with them.

They have gone to other planets.

They have sent deep space probes to explore the galaxy.

However…they have yet to deliver my jetpack. Continue reading

Pole Dancing for Jesus

I’m writing this week’s post In The Name Of Jesus! Why? Well why not. It appears that everything Christians want to do they just stick, “In The Name Of Jesus!” after it and for some reason it becomes relevant and acceptable. Some of these causes are quite positive: Feed the Hungry, Clothe the Naked, Home the Homeless, etc. Some are quite negative: Blow Up the Clinic of the Non-Exploded, Shoot the Doctor you Don’t Agree With, Picket the Dead Soldier Who Died for Your Right to Picket, etc.

And then we have the just plain silly: Pole Dancing for Jesus.  Continue reading

Herman Cain is the Anti-Christ: Truth Revealed

Herman Cain is the Anti-Christ

I think it's clear whose side Herman Cain is on.

It’s time to set partisan politics aside and acknowledge that Herman Cain is the Anti-Christ. The signs are obvious to anyone who is not afraid to look. There is both Biblical prophecy and more importantly a Nostradamus Quatrain to support this stance. Continue reading

Duct Tape, Plumbing, and Amputee Kludge

Give a man a roll of duct tape and he can fix stuff. Teach a man to use a roll of duct tape and he can rule the world.

Men like to fix stuff. I say men, because women tend to hire professionals to fix stuff. Women are no fun.

This was illustrated in my life by two recent events. First, my good friend Jim sent me a link to his favorite site where many manly do-it-yourself repairs are shown in all their glory. We’ll get to that a little later… Continue reading

Overpackers Anonymous

Note: This post is a by guest blogger, the lovely and talented D. L. Berliner. I thought it was high time something was written here from a woman’s perspective.

Okay, so we’re going to spend a few days in Las Vegas. Four days, actually, if you don’t count the day of the return flight, which I don’t because there is no fun at all in this day.

We will arrive in the middle of the afternoon on Day 1. We will have full days on Days 2,3 and 4. We have tickets for two shows. We have no other plans except to low-roll gamble, eat (casual dining only) and maybe walk around a bit. The hotel’s website has pictures of the pool area, which looks nice, so I may go there at some point when I get tired of low-roll gambling, eating, and walking.

I am taking with me:

  •  2 pairs of slacks
  • 2 pairs of capri pants
  • 2 pairs of shorts
  • 2 swimsuits
  • 1 swimsuit coverup
  • 3 pairs of shoes/sandals (maybe 4, haven’t decided yet)
  • 5 shirts and blouses. Actually 6, but two of those have to go together, so I’m saying 5.

And although it might be easier getting through Airport Security this way, I am not flying naked, so I will also be wearing a pair of slacks, a shirt, shoes, and keeping a light “airplane sweater” in my carry-on.

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