Chronic Advice Farts

I awoke this morning with a tremendous pressure on my brain. It was as though something needed to escape… an embolism of good intent swelling against my better judgement. It was insight that had to be shared. It was a Chronic Advice Fart.

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God’s Wrath Directed Toward Republican Convention

The Republican National Convention is about to start and there’s a storm a’brewin’.   Yes friends, God is pissed and she ain’t gonna take it anymore.

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Obamacare for Dummies: A Simple Explanation for Thinking People.

Our current healthcare system is not a system and it’s not about caring for anyone’s health. It’s about CEO bonuses, stockholder dividends, and return on investment. Our healthcare system is a cluster-fuck. It’s a cluster-fuck system that bankrupts many of the middle class.

Some say Obama is a savior and some say Obama is the devil. He’s really neither. What he is is the guy whose had the balls to actually put a reasonably fair plan together.    Continue reading

Evidence of Ancient Aliens and a Really Bored Goat

More than half of the population of the USA believe in the existence of life outside of our little blue marble. For scientists, the definition of “life” includes microscopic critters that they would wet their khakis to discover. If they found a two micron wide fossil of mold in the frozen poles of Mars it would change everything we know and believe about our universe.

My wife and I, however, have all the evidence we need and it is on clear display just 25 miles outside of Las vegas. Since neither of us are ‘scientists’, our vision of life outside of Earth includes a spaceship, funny humanoid shapes, and of course a British accent. All aliens have British accents. I don’t know why extraterrestrials have British accents, because as I’ve clearly stated, I am not a scientist. Continue reading

Rick Santorum: Candidate? Pope? Ayatollah?

If you really believe in Rick Santorum's Crusade. Wear the T-Shirt

If you really believe in Rick Santorum's Crusade. Wear the T-Shirt

Rick Santorum has gone beyond amusing. He is now approaching dangerous. He’s even scaring the right-wing of the Republican party and that really takes some doing. Comparisons to the Ayatollahs of Iran is inevitable.

If the Christian right is happy to have a crusader on their side I would like to suggest they think this through. I realize that’s asking a lot of people who do a lot of blind following. But please consider how you would feel if the next president was proselytizing for Islam, or Wicca or worst yet Atheism!

Santorumanity: Rick Santorum’s own view of Christianity

The GOP presidential candidate is against non-procreative sex -- even for married couples by IRIN CARMON at

The GOP presidential candidate is against non-procreative sex -- even for married couples (Credit: Irin Carmon at

Our country was founded by people who were fleeing England because they chose not to follow a state religion. Santorum’s views and politics will make Christianity our new state religion. Not just any Christianity but Santorumanity, Rick’s view of Christianity. There are too many versions of Christianity to count in this country and each thinks it’s “THE ONE”. Rick Santorum is sure that his is the right one. When he has the ability to sway secular laws to enforce religious views, your flavor of Christianity might not win. Sound familiar? That’s how theocracies work.

Rick Santorum’s policies could easily become this….

Santorumanity is Rick Santorum's own view of Christianity

Santorumanity is Rick Santorum's own view of Christianity